Users can update their Profile Settings from the Propensity Workspace Setting drop-down. Click on the round icon in the upper right, and select Profile Settings. From there, you have the option to edit your profile, reset your password, and edit your email preferences.
My Profile
Edit your photo, first name, last name, and email address associated with your account. Be sure to hit save when you are finished editing.
Password Reset
Reset your password by adding a new password, confirming it, and hitting save.
Email Preferences
Users can subscribe to helpful email communication to keep them up to date on things like campaign status, ABM campaign performance, and website visits.
Daily Sales EmailsReceive a daily summary of the top accounts, leads, intent signals, and more from your ABM Connected Website. Weekly Campaign Summary EmailsReceive a summary of last week's campaign performance every Monday morning. Campaign Status AlertsStay up to date on the status of your campaign by receiving updates and alerts for each ad channel directly to your inbox. |